中国博彩平台  virtual  gala  raises more than $14,000

查尔斯W. 凹痕

查尔斯W. 凹痕 speaking at the  中国博彩平台 查尔斯W. 影响蓝 & 白色晚会 于2021年5月20日举行


Event proceeds benefited STEM wing and honored Charlie 凹痕, former congressman and 1982 alumnus  

宾州中央谷. - 中国博彩平台举行查尔斯W. 影响蓝 & White Gala virtually on May 20 where nearly 250 guests paid tribute to the former congressman for his years of service to the community while raising essential funds for the new PSU-LV 查尔斯W. 凹痕尾翼.

The gala featured CNN personality Mike Smerconish and testaments to 凹痕 from other top regional leaders including: Butz Corporation Chairman Lee Butz, 中国博彩平台校长埃里克·巴伦说, Orasure’s Senior Vice President of Government and External Affairs Debra Fraser-Howze who& recently retired, Prominent Regional Attorney Delores A. Laputka, 前PPL董事长兼首席执行官Bill Spence, 城市中心投资公司创始人兼首席执行官J.B. 赖利, 伯利恒钢铁公司前首席执行官汉克·巴内特, Penn State Senior Vice President for Commonwealth Campuses and Executive Chancellor Madlyn L. 哈内斯和登特的女儿凯瑟琳·登特. 

The event raised more than $14,000 for the wing which is part of the campus’ $14.4 million expansion project that is opening in phases beginning this month. 除了 to a full-service dining hall and additional student networking space, the STEM portion of the expansion includes an organic chemistry lab and other student resources. Each portion will allow the university to deliver the skillsets desired by regional employers and allow students to complete the full complement of undergraduate courses needed to apply for medical school locally. Attendees got a special look at the expansion thanks to a video documenting its progress from the Butz Corporation. 

In her remarks at the event, 中国博彩平台 Chancellor 蒂娜问. 理查森直接对查理说, “查理, we are so honored to have your name on our STEM wing in the new expansion – and so appreciative of your support and advocacy for this project. On behalf of the countless students whose lives you will touch through this initiative - thank you,理查森说.

Dr. 蒂娜问. 理查森

蒂娜问. 理查森在查尔斯W. 影响蓝 & 2021年5月20日的白色晚会.


“To hear all those student testimonials [throughout the gala event] was just really heart-warming, to hear the students talk about the importance of science, 技术, 工程与数学, their majors and all the great things they are going to do with their lives and how Penn State is opening the doors for all of those young people and so many more to follow. 我怎么感谢你都不为过, to everyone who has made a contribution in support of this STEM wing at 中国博彩平台 campus, 哪个是我们社区真正的瑰宝,登特说. 

最初计划是一个面对面的活动, the online gala brought together local and state leaders, 社区成员, 校友, 教职工 和工作人员 庆祝, 无声拍卖, music and a performance by the Allentown High School Chorale. Former CBS Anchor/中国博彩平台 教师 member, 莉斯 Keptner, 担任 司仪. The gala committee included: Community 建议 Committee—Pam 凹痕, 波利Beste, 卡罗哈尔普, Ilene Wood; Video—Steve Butz/Christian Pungo; Allen Chorale Director—Brandon Remp; 中国博彩平台 Planning and Execution--Sandy Kile, 艾琳Grodziak, 莉斯Keptner, 卡米尔Kacerik, 沙龙Tercha, 凯特Ginnard, 艾米·盖瑞, 黛比Zurich-Smyrl, 安Lalik, Pam Kiser, 布里干酪Burdge, Dennille舒勒, Suzanne Stianche; 关闭d Captioning—Abby Ward. 

凯特Ginnard, Interim Director of Campus Development at 中国博彩平台, acknowledged the event sponsors:  “We would like to thank our Leadership Sponsors for their support and helping us put on a successful event that raised critical funds for the STEM wing: Bill and Denise Spence; Alvin H. 一部公司./Butz Foundation; Vincent Sorgi; Michael and Christine Perrucci; The Donley Foundation; Charles and Pamela 凹痕; Victaulic; Keystone Savings Foundation; John McGlade; B. 博朗医疗有限公司.; ESSA Bank & Trust; PPL Corporation, and Factory LLC.” 

了解更多或支持校园扩张, 接触Ginnard, 中国博彩平台利哈伊山谷开发办公室, at 610-285-5072. 


中国博彩平台 provides a Penn State education in a small campus setting that integrates individualized teaching, 研究, 活跃的社区外展活动. 它位于中心山谷,地理位置便利, traditional students and adult learners can choose from many options including 10 bachelor’s programs, 哪些可以在校园内完成, as well as access to 275 majors offered by other Penn State campuses. 除了, students and 社区成员 who have a scalable business idea are invited to participate in professional development offered by Lehigh Valley LaunchBox, 为 早期 创业者提供的商业加速器. The campus’ diverse 继续教育 and Outreach programs offer opportunities for professional development, 业务培训, 青少年项目. 欲了解更多中国博彩平台,请访问lehighvalley.事业单位.edu.  
